Alan Karbelnig, Ph.D. - The Perils and Promises of a Unified Clinical Model

Event Description: Dismayed by the fragmentation haunting the psychoanalytic project for more than a century, Dr. Karbelnig has proposed an overarching clinical model for psychoanalysis. The approach intends to unify practitioners using Freudian, Jungian, Kleinian, Self-Psychological, Relational, or any psychodynamic approach. The presentation expands upon his February 2022 paper, "Chasing Infinity: Why Clinical Psychoanalysis' Future Lies in Pluralism." In brief, Dr. Karbelnig believes that psychoanalytic clinicians practice framing, presence, and engagement in their work with patients. They pursue the unconscious mind through focusing on transference and countertransference, repetitive psycho-behavioral themes, and dreams (and other signifiers of the unconscious). After explaining the six-point model, Dr. Karbelnig will invite the audience to question and discuss these admittedly ambitious ideas.

Target Audience: This event is intended for mental health professionals and open to the public interested in psychoanalytic perspectives. Open to members and the community.

Registration/Attendance Process: This is a hybrid event and preregistration is required.

  • Register by clicking the registration button. You will receive a confirmation by email with details about the event.
  • We will have a list of registrants and will check you off. You may also pay at the door. Preregistration is preferred.
  • Verify attendance by signing in on the attendance sheet at in-person events. If attending online, participants must list full name under your video image to allow the Continuing Education Manager to confirm your attendance.
  • Participants must have their cameras on at the beginning and the end of the event to receive credit. Note: partial attendance of a CE/CME activity will not be awarded CE/CME credit.

Accommodations & Grievances

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Saturday, April 26, 2025 - 10:00am to 12:00pm
* Zoom link will be provided 24 hours before event time.


SDPC & Zoom

4455 Morena Blvd
Suite 202
San Diego, CA 92117
United States
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Educational Objective(s)

  • Apply three fundamental psychoanalytic interventions
  • Distinguish between theories of engagement
  • Comprehend the three foundational paths to accessing unconscious material

Presenter Information

Alan Karbelnig, Ph.D., ABPP, practices psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic psychotherapy, and couples therapy in Pasadena, California. He earned two PhDs, one in counseling psychology from the University of Southern California in 1986, and a second in psychoanalysis from the New Center for Psychoanalysis (NCP) in 1996. Shortly thereafter, he was Certified in Psychoanalysis by the American Psychoanalytic Association, which later bestowed upon him the status of a Supervising and Training Psychoanalyst. Dr. Karbelnig is also Board Certified in Forensic Psychology by the American Board of Professional Psychology. He founded, serves on the Board of Directors of, and teaches at Rose City Center—a not-for-profit psychoanalytic psychotherapy clinic serving economically disadvantaged clients in California.

An award-winning teacher, Dr. Karbelnig lectures locally, nationally and internationally, including in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and Beijing, China, Delhi and Ahmedabad, India, and Tel Aviv, Israel. His first book, Lover, Exorcist, Critic: Understanding Depth Psychotherapy, was published in September 2023. He also writes a weekly Substack newsletter, Journeys to the Unconscious Mind.



SDPC is proud to offer CE/CME credit to Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Psychologists and Social Workers. Continuing Education certificates of attendance will be awarded electronically in exchange for a completed evaluation form. Please see the CE/CME credits page for more information.

For refund policies or cancellations, please visit our policies page. Any other questions, contact the SDPC Continuing Education Manager.

CMA Accreditation Statement: The San Diego Psychoanalytic Center is accredited by the California Medical Association (CMA, provider #4001214) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

AMA Credit Designation Statement: The San Diego Psychoanalytic Center designates this Continuing Education activity for a maximum of 2 hours AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™️. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

CAMFT Accreditation: The San Diego Psychoanalytic Center (SDPC) is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT) as a continuing education provider, (#050121), to offer Category 1 credit for LMFT’S, LCSW’S, LPCC’S and LEP’S. SDPC as required by the California Board of Behavior Sciences. SDPC maintains responsibility for this course program and all of its content.

Disclosure Statement: The San Diego Psychoanalytic Center CE Committee has reviewed the materials for accredited continuing education and has determined that this activity is not related to the product line of ineligible companies and therefore, the activity meets the exception outlined in Standard 3: ACCME's identification, mitigation and disclosure of relevant financial relationship*. This activity does not have any known commercial support.

*Financial relationships are relevant if the educational content an individual can control is related to the business lines or products of the ineligible company. 

Statement of Commitment: San Diego Psychoanalytic Center does not discriminate in employment and in its educational programs and activities, including admission or access thereto, on the basis of race, national origin, color, creed, religion, sex, age, marital status, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, and gender identity.

The San Diego Psychoanalytic Center is affiliated with the American Psychoanalytic Association (APsA), the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA), and the organization of Southern California Psychoanalytic Institutes and Societies.

The San Diego Psychoanalytic Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.